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Virtual museum brings artifacts closer The Ranger, 12 May 2013
WYOMING – "Lost artifacts of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes have made a special trip back home from Chicago to be displayed in a kiosk at Central Wyoming College. Lived History-The Wind River Virtual Museum was revealed Saturday to tribe
members from the Wind River Indian Reservation, CWC faculty, and other community members. A collaboration between Wyoming PBS, Alpheus Media and Lord Cultural Resources took Eastern Shoshone elders Ralphaelita Stump and Philbert Mcloud, Northern Arapaho elders Robert Goggles and William C'Hair, Shoshone tribe member Jordan Dresser, and Northern Arapaho tribe member Mikala Sun Rhodes to the Chicago Field Museum where they were able to see artifacts that are more than 100 years old."
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Cultural News, a monthly global round-up of what’s happening in culture, is a free service of Lord Cultural Resources. Excerpts are directly quoted from the articles – please click on the links to read the full articles on the original news sites. To receive it in your inbox rain or shine, please press the subscribe button above - it will take less than 30 seconds to become a subscriber. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest digest of cultural news.
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Our Clients and Lord Cultural Resources in the News
MuCEM by Rudy Ricciotti photographed by Edmund Sumner Dezeen, 23 Mai 2013
MARSEILLE, FRANCE – "Photographer Edmund Sumner has revealed initial images of the filigree-clad Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM) by architect Rudy Ricciotti, which is set to open next month on Marseille's waterfront (+ slideshow). "
Ouverture de «Centres Pompidou provisoires» à l'étranger maPRESSE, 17 Mai 2013
PARIS – "Le Centre Pompidou, musée parisien qui abrite une des principales collections d'art moderne au monde, va ouvrir des «Centres Pompidou provisoires» en France et à l'étranger, a annoncé vendredi à l'AFP son directeur Alain Seban. "
Mayor Emanuel Announces $1 Million Investment in High-Quality Arts Education for All CPS Students Investment Goes Directly Towards Implementing CPS’ First Ever Arts Education Plan eNews Park Forest, 16 May 2013
CHICAGO, IL – "Mayor Rahm Emanuel was joined yesterday by internationally-renowned cellist and Chicago Symphony Orchestra Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma to announce that the City is committing $1 million towards implementing the first Arts Education Plan for the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) next school year, ensuring that all students have high-quality arts instruction. The announcement was made during the annual Chicago Children’s Choir Paint the Town Red concert. “Every child in this city deserves a quality education, no matter where they live. Incorporating the arts into all levels of education is an essential piece in helping our children thrive,” said Mayor Emanuel. “For the first time, our schools have a comprehensive Arts Education Plan that aligns them with Chicago’s Cultural Plan and opens new possibilities for our children.” "
National Czech & Slovak Museum leads the way in Corridor’s cultural recovery Icon has bounced back after more than $11 million in damages The Gazette, 8 May 2013
CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – "The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library’s new permanent exhibit opens June 15, another milestone that symbolizes how far the museum has come in five years. In the summer of 2008, museum supporters were preparing to unveil plans for an expanded facility. Then the flood struck, filling the museum and library with eight feet of water. Instead of focusing on progress, museum staff and volunteers scrambled to save what they could. All exhibits were destroyed, the collections soaked. Years of records were lost. More than $11 million in damages was recorded. " [View the video The First Lady Presents the 2013 National Medal for Museum and Library Service]
Canadian teachers flag scarce resources on human rights: survey Canadian Museum for Human Rights, 8 May 2013
WINNIPEG, MB – Teachers across the country have identified a pressing need for more human rights tools and resources – especially when teaching younger children, according to a national survey by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR). A whopping 92 per cent of respondents said teachers place high value on human rights education, even though they already feel pressured by high expectations in a demanding curriculum. And 94 per cent said it was important for them to acquire more knowledge and skills around age-appropriate methods for teaching about human rights.
Philanthropist Michael Audain unveils design for Whistler art museum (with video) Proposed facility doubles in size, and will cost about $30 million The Vancouver Sun, 8 May 2013
WHISTLER, BC – "People tend to think of new art galleries as big and bold and flashy. Michael Audain’s proposed art museum in Whistler is small and elegant and understated. But not that small. At a press conference on Tuesday, Audain revealed that plans for the museum have doubled in size to 55,000 square feet. It is now expected to cost $30 million, $10 million more than when he announced the project last October. A model of the proposed museum shows a long, low building that blends into the landscape like a modern version of an old covered bridge, with a wing that juts out like the blade of a hockey stick."
Jean Nouvel, la Chine et le Namoc Le Moniteur, 14 Mai 2013
BEIJING – "L’architecte Jean Nouvel a récemment détaillé son projet pour le futur National Art Museum of China (Namoc) inspiré de l’art de la calligraphie…"
Lenbachhaus museum by Foster + Partners Dezeen, 8 Mai 2013
MUNICH, ALLEMAGNE – "Foster + Partners has completed a new gallery wing clad with golden pipes at the Lenbachhaus art museum in Munich (+ slideshow). " [See also Lenbachhaus Museum Munich Reopens May 8 With Norman Foster Design, DW, 8 May 2013]
SO-IL Wins Competition to Build Shrem Museum of Art at UC Davis designboom, 2 May 2013
CALIFORNIA – "Brooklyn-based SO-IL has won the competition to build the new 'jan shrem and maria manetti shrem museum of art' on the davis campus of university of california. The project makes use of the the central valley landscape and climate to create a place that invites the outdoors into an often rigid museum program. Understanding the experience of art as fluid and ever-changing, the design posits a flexible infrastructure that speaks to a general sense of optimism and the empowerment of innovation. " [See also UC Davis selects architectural team to create an art museum for the 21st century, UC Davis, 1 May 2013]
City approves downtown museum 'hub' The Windsor Star, 26 April 2013
WINDSOR, ON – "After decades of talk on the need for a bigger museum to tell Windsor's rich history, city council decided Monday night it was time to act. In a 9-2 vote, council approved a staff and committee recommendation, based on a Toronto consultant's report, to convert the ground floor of the Art Gallery of Windsor into a community museum "hub." [see also Civic museum to move into Art Gallery of Windsor, CBC News, 23 April 2013]
Le Louvre Abu Dhabi dévoile sa collection Exponaute, 24 Avril 2013
ABU DHABI, UAE - "La construction du Louvre Abu Dhabi a pris bien du retard : le musée qui devait ouvrir en 2012 serait finalement achevé en 2016… Mais une exposition intitulée Naissance d’un musée présente déjà une partie des œuvres de la future collection permanente du « Louvre des Sables ». "
Le Guggenheim Abu Dhabi et le Zayed National Museum constituent aussi leur collection Les Echos, 24 Avril 2013
ABU DHABI – "L’émirat affirme travailler à ces deux musées en même temps qu’au Louvre. Des œuvres du Guggenheim Abu Dhabi seront dévoilées le 6 mai prochain, en présence de certains artistes. "
Le Quai Branly à l’heure du numérique grâce à Altran Connaissance des Arts, 23 Avril 2013
PARIS, FRANCE – "Pour faciliter la recherche et l’accès à son patrimoine, le musée du Quai Branly revoit entièrement ses contenus numériques et s’adjoint l’aide d’Altran, société spécialisée en systèmes d’informations et leader mondial du conseil en innovation numérique. "
Rights museum awe-inspiring icon that will make our city world-class Winnipeg Free Press, 19 April 2013
WINNIPEG, MB – "It takes a lot more than pothole-free streets and efficient snow removal to make a great city. You also need great stuff, the kind of world-class stuff that touches the hearts and minds of the people who live there and inspires the people who live far away to come and check it out. You need stuff like the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the towering, architectural icon of glass, stone, concrete and steel at The Forks. I know this because, on Thursday, I toured the massive $351-million"
Like Half the National Gallery in Your Backyard The New York Times, 18 April 2013
POTOMAC, MD — "Tucked behind a winding road dotted with McMansions are 200 acres of bucolic walking paths and woodlands. There are sculptures too, by artists like Ellsworth Kelly, Richard Serra and Jeff Koons along with a man-made pond and, nestled beside it, a Modernist limestone building that houses a small contemporary art museum. This is Glenstone, the creation of Mitchell P. Rales, 56, the intensely private Washington industrialist and his wife, Emily, 36. Although it is only some 15 miles from downtown Washington, in the seven years it’s been open — three days a week, by appointment only — no more than 10,000 people have visited their eye-popping collection of contemporary art."
La pyramide du Louvre, 25 ans après Le Moniteur, 17 Avril 2013
PARIS, FRANCE – "Première grande construction en verre feuilleté collé, portée par une toile d’araignée en inox de grande portée, recouverte de baguettes clipsées en aluminium, le monument de Ieoh Ming Pei passe le quart de siècle."
Musée du Louvre: l'exposition consacrée à l'art allemand déclenche une polémique outre-Rhin Huffington Post, 17 Avril 2013
PARIS, FRANCE – "par deux grands journaux qui reprochent une vision réductrice établissant un lien direct avec le national-socialisme, ce dont le musée parisien se défend avec vigueur."
Viens jouer à La Maison de La vache qui rit ! Up Culture, 17 Avril 2013
PARIS, FRANCE – "Savez-vous que dans la Maison de La vache qui rit (Lons-le-Saunier, Jura) se trouve aussi un espace d’expositions temporaires ? Une programmation originale fait alterner des expositions d’art contemporain (Lab’Bel et des expositions en lien avec les thèmes de l’enfance, de la publicité et de l’art. "
Take a look inside Winnipeg’s Canadian Museum for Human Rights Metro, April 16, 2013
WINNIPEG, MB - "Expect an opening date for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to be made public in May, said the museum’s president and CEO Stuart Murray. "I know people are wondering when we’re going to be announcing the opening date, " he said during a media tour of the museum on Friday. "By May, we’ll be able to tell Winnipeg and the world when we’re going to open this amazing building. " "
Collections damaged in fire at Cuming Museum Museums Association, 26 Mar 2013
UK – "Nobody was injured in a fire that began yesterday at the Cuming Museum in Southwark, but the blaze has destroyed the museum’s roof and two of its displays. It is believed collections in storage may have also suffered water damage, while the status of two objects on loan from the British Museum (BM), which were on display, is unknown."
Dig this: soil museum planned for Dubai The National, 29 May 2013
DUBAI, UAE – "A new museum opening this summer aims to dig up the dirt on the UAE's agriculture. The soil museum, which has not yet been officially named, will be based in Dubai Academic City and bosses are hopeful it will become an attraction for farming professionals and tourists alike."
Le nouvel atelier-musée du Chapeau à Chazelles-sur-Lyon Office de Coopération et d'Information Muséales, 29 Mai 2013,
CHAZELLES-SUR-LYON, FRANCE – "Le dernier grand témoin de l’activité chapelière (classé Monument historique) a été restauré dans l’esprit de l’usine et tourné vers la création contemporaine. "
Le nouveau Musée Munch d’Oslo enfin sur les rails Le Journal des Arts, 29 Mai 2013
OSLO, NORWAY – "Après avoir été rejeté en 2011, le projet du nouveau Musée Munch d’Oslo, « Lambda » a été adopté par la municipalité d’Oslo après qu’un accord entre les élus ait été enfin trouvé. Le bâtiment devrait voir le jour en 2018. " [see also City of Oslo reaches deal on new, futuristic crooked glass building to house Munch Museum, Artdaily.org, 30 May 2013]
La rentrée 2013 de la Pinacothèque de Paris et son antenne à Singapour Connaissance des Arts, 27 Mai 2013
PARIS – "Toujours avec une longueur d’avance sur les autres institutions privées parisiennes, Marc Restellini a annoncé hier son programme d’automne 2013 pour ses deux sites parisiens et son projet d’antenne à Singapour. "
La Fondation Schneider ouvre son centre d’art Connaissance des Arts, 24 Mai 2013
WATTWILLER, FRANCE – "Reconnue d’utilité publique en 2005, la Fondation créée à son nom par l’entrepreneur François Schneider a vu se concrétiser le projet formé par ce dernier autour de l’art contemporain, avec l’inauguration en mai d’un centre d’art sur les hauteurs de Wattwiller (Alsace), le berceau familial. "
Les publics défavorisés n’entreront plus gratuitement dans les musées fédéraux de Belgique Le Journal des Arts, 24 Mai 2013
BRUXELLES – "Les publics qui bénéficient traditionnellement de la gratuité – jeunes, chômeurs, handicapés – doivent payer leur entrée dans les musées fédéraux de Belgique depuis janvier 2013, selon une décision gouvernementale. "
Museums: the cure for a crowded house? At annual conference, professionals discuss how museums could become an escape from cramped urban living and the power of technology The Art Newspaper, 23 May 2013
BALTIMORE, MD – "Will the shrinking size of US apartments drive more people to visit museums? “If you aren’t hanging out with friends at home, you need somewhere else to go,” said Elizabeth Merritt, the founding director of the Centre for the Future of Museums, at a presentation during the American Alliance of Museums’ (AAM) annual meeting this week (19-22 May). Increased urban density, a growing online audience for museums and shrinking government funding for the arts were among the subjects discussed at the 107th annual event, which drew more than 5,000 museum professionals to Baltimore, Maryland. According to Merritt, by 2050, 75% of the earth’s population will live in cities, a trend that is leading local governments to experiment with zoning regulations and minimum apartment sizes. “Museums have the opportunity to become a ‘third space’” for a public looking to socialise, she said."
Riverside Museum is European Museum of the Year BBC News, 19 May 2013
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – "Glasgow's Riverside Museum has been named European Museum of the Year (EMYA) at a ceremony in Belgium. The prestigious award is presented to museums which have been built or extensively refurbished within the previous three years. The £74m Riverside Museum, on the banks of the River Clyde, opened in June 2011 and showcase the city's transport, shipbuilding and engineering heritage. It was designed by award-winning architect Zaha Hadid. The European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) was founded in 1977 under the auspices of the Council of Europe."
Iranian-born collector plans to build contemporary art museum in Dubai Private citizens, rather than the local government, will be invited to invest in the project The Art Newspaper, 18 May 2013
DUBAI, UAE – "An Iranian-born entrepreneur hopes to build a museum of contemporary art in the heart of Dubai. Ramin Salsali has announced ambitious plans to launch the Dubai Museum of Contemporary Art (DMOCA) in the downtown Burj Khalifa district. The first phase, to be launched next year, involves constructing exhibition halls measuring 30,000 sq. ft where temporary exhibitions will go on show drawn from private collections. Dubai citizens and residents, rather than the local government, will be invited to invest in the planned museum, which will also house a library and a sculpture garden."
Museums must look to future while guarding past The national cultural policy offers a chance for the sector to unite and share ideas, writes Andrew Sayers. The Canberra Times, 18 May 2013
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – "It's International Museum Day and, this weekend, the Australian museum world converges on Canberra. The national conference of the sector's membership body, Museums Australia, follows on the heels of the two-day meeting of the Council of Australasian Museum Directors. This latter body represents the major state and national institutions in Australia and New Zealand. So the leading voices in Australia's museum sector will be in Canberra to discuss ideas and the shape of the future of our museums."
Hope guides visitors through revamped Red Cross Museum The Raw Story, AFP, 16 May 2013
SWITZERLAND – "Hope and human resilience are the guiding themes of the new permanent exhibit at Geneva’s International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, which will finally re-open its doors this week after a nearly two-year makeover. “It was important to have the museum be a museum of hope, to show that it is possible to rebuild a new life after living through something very dramatic,” director Roger Mayou told AFP after showing off the revamped exhibition to journalists ahead of the official reopening on May 18."
Museums + Heritage Awards 2013 winners – in pictures The Guardian, 16 May 2013
LONDON, UK – "Museums and visitor attractions large and small were recognised at the 11th annual M+H Awards in London. The Grant Museum of Zoology picked up the inaugural Culture Pros Pick, as nominated and voted for by our community, while the Natural History Museum was awarded the accolade of Best of the Best for 2013."
Canada spearheads alliance of Arctic Council museums As government officials ready themselves for the Arctic Council ministerial meeting in Sweden this week, directors of Arctic-nation natural history museums are making preparations of their own. Barents Observer
OTTAWA, ON – "Margaret Beckel, director of the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, said she is in the process of organizing an alliance of national natural history museums from the eight Arctic countries. This would allow museums to collaborate on Arctic-oriented programs and share the work being done by the Arctic Council. The Council, an intergovernmental forum through which government ministers and indigenous groups discuss circumpolar policies and challenges, is holding its biennial ministerial meeting in Kiruna, Sweden on Wednesday. "
La cour de Bar du Palais Ducal de Dijon, victime d’Yves Lion La Tribune de l’Art, 14 Mai 2013
DIJON, FRANCE – "Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, qui depuis 2008 est en travaux pour rénovation (mais qui a eu l’excellente idée de ne pas fermer au public en menant ce chantier par tranche), ouvrira le 7 septembre un nouveau parcours pour ses collections médiévales et renaissance. "
Museums are about authenticity in a world of reproductions: Thomas P Campbell The Times of India, 10 April 2013
NEW YORK – "Thomas P Campbell took over the reigns of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 2009. One of the world's most prestigious museums, the Met houses nearly two million works of art which span over 5,000 years of world culture. On his first visit to India, Campbell spoke with Madhavi Rajadhyaksha, discussing the Met's India connection, how technology is aiding museums now — and why museums remain crucial in an age of constant information. "
Dans son premier musée, le groupe Abba conjugue disco et techno ! Club Innovation & Culture France, 9 Mai 2013
STOKHOLM – "Après 378 millions d’albums vendus, une comédie musicale en 1999, un film en 2008 et une exposition itinérante en 2010, « l’abbamania » s’enrichit d’un nouvel instrument: Abba the museum. Ouvert le 7 mai, ce musée conjugue disco et techno. "
Richard III visitor centre boss sets out his vision Leicester Mercury, 8 May 2013
LEICESTER, UK – "One of the newly appointed creative directors for the Richard III visitor centre has set out his vision for how the exhibition will become an award-winning attraction. David Masters has been handed the task of producing a world-class attraction at the former Leicester Grammar School, in Peacock Lane."
ABC Northern Tasmania
TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA – "While there will be no revealing of secret fishing spots, the newly opened Australian Fly Fishing Museum at Clarendon, in Northern Tasmania, will be a special place for those passionate fly fishing anglers. The 'sheperd's cottage', at Clarendon House south of Launceston, now houses the Australian Fly Fishing Museum. It is an apt location for the museum, with the pioneer of trout introduction to Tasmania, James Arndell Youl, once residing across the South Esk River at Symmons Plains in the mid 1800's."
Le Monde, 8 Mai 2013
SARAJEVO, BOSNIE – "Pour conclure ce voyage en Bosnie, je veux parler d'un projet fou, impossible, fascinant et qui peut-être ne verra jamais le jour, un projet conçu par un artiste, Enver Hadziomerspahic, pendant le siège et qui a peu à peu avancé, avec de faibles moyens et de grandes énergies. "
Villa Méditerranée à Marseille: un architecte lyonnais estime avoir été plagié Libération, 8 Mai 2013
MARSEILLE, FRANCE – "Un architecte lyonnais estimant que la Villa Méditerranée, l’un des bâtiments phare du renouveau architectural de Marseille, a été copiée sur l’un de ses projets demande 3,5 millions d’euros de dommages-intérêts, a-t-on appris mercredi de source concordante. "
Créations, extensions et rénovations de musées dans le Monde Club Innovation & Culture France, 5 Mai 2013
MONDE – "Panorama des musées en cours de création, extension ou rénovation dans le monde. "
Les musées ont-ils trop d'œuvres ? Le Figaro, 3 Mai 2013
FRANCE – "Les réserves accumulées au fil des siècles constituent un important patrimoine. Si s'en séparer semble risqué, leur circulation pourrait être beaucoup améliorée."
World's most beautiful museums Fox News, 3 May 2013
USA – "No big city vacation is complete without a visit to a beautiful museum. Our favorite collections combine great locations--like Central Park, central Paris, or the Pacific Coast--with iconic, inspiring works of art. There's nothing like a relaxing afternoon spent basking in the glory of world-famous paintings and sculptures--not to mention picking up a brag-worthy keepsake in the museum shop. Here, our favorite collections of art, along with suggestions for must-see masterpieces and gift-shop grabs. Take a tour of the museums."
Amsterdam: au travail, Van Gogh ! Le Point, 1 Mai 2013
AMSTERDAM – "Pour sa réouverture le 1er mai, le musée Van Gogh d'Amsterdam présente "Van Gogh at work", une exposition retraçant dix années de la carrière du peintre. "
Le Musée Grévin, un CA de 12,4 millions d’euros et une nouvelle succursale à Montréal Le Journal des Arts, 30 Avril 2013
MONTRÉAL, QC – "Première étape d’un projet de filiales à travers le monde, Montréal a inauguré son Musée Grévin, en présence de diverses personnalités du spectacle et du sport. Il appartient à la Compagnie des Alpes, un groupe privé profitable qui réalise un CA supérieur à 675 millions d’euros dont 12,4 pour le musée. "
L'abri antinucléaire de Tito transformé en musée d'art contemporain Libération, 29 Avril 2013
KONJIC, BOSNIE – "Vétuste et sans vie il y a encore quelques années, un abri antinucléaire de Tito, bâti dans les entrailles d’une montagne de Bosnie, a été transformé en galerie, et accueille une trentaine d’artistes de dix-neuf pays."
New art gallery needs private donors' backing The Province, 26 April 2013
VANCOUVER, BC – "What kind of city do Vancouverites want to live in? A thriving business hub generating scores of high-paying jobs or one that's clean, green, bicycle-friendly - and a global art mecca. Certainly, council's decision Wednesday to turn over a chunk of prime, publicly owned real estate for a newer and bigger downtown art gallery has wowed many in the local arts community."
Un musée flambant neuf à Bayeux Connaissance des Arts, 26 Avril 2013
BAYEUX, FRANCE – "Après quatre années de rénovation, le musée Baron Gérard, attenant à la cathédrale de Bayeux, a rouvert ses portes au public le 22 mars. "
La grotte du Mas-d’Azil en Ariège rouverte au public Le Journal des Art, 25 Avril 2013
MAS-D’AZIL, FRANCE – "La grotte du Mas-d’Azil rouvre aux visiteurs avec des nouvelles structures d’accueil. Les travaux ont permis de mettre à jour des vestiges datant de la très lointaine période Aurignacienne. "
Chassé-croisé d'oeuvres spoliées au MBAM Le Devoir, 24 avril 2013
MONTREAL, QC – "Les hasards du destin sont parfois inouïs. Le Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal (MBAM) s'est retrouvé au coeur d'un incroyable chassé-croisé de tableaux de grands maîtres, résultat de longues quêtes entreprises par deux familles pour retrouver des oeuvres spoliées par les nazis. Redonnant d'une main, recevant de l'autre, le musée a enrichi au passage sa collection d'une oeuvre majeure dédiée à la mémoire de victimes de l'Holocauste."
World Architecture News, 19 April 2013
WARSAW, POLAND – "Today, on the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the Lahdelma & Mahlamaki Architects-designed Museum of the History of Polish Jews will open. Located within the boundaries of the former Warsaw Ghetto, where over 300,000 Polish Jews lost their lives during World War II, the 12,800 sq m facility will partially open to the public today with the remaining core exhibition spaces due to open at the beginning of 2014. The building was designed by Finnish firm Lahdelma & Mahlamaki Architects in collaboration with local architects Kurylowicz & Associates as part of an invited competition in 2005.
Douceurs de printemps aux musées Fragonard Connaissance des Arts, 19 Avril 2013
GRASSE, FRANCE – "À Grasse, la maison Fragonard propose aux promeneurs, outre la visite de son usine de parfum, la possibilité d’accéder gratuitement aux espaces de ses deux musées situés à deux pas l’un de l’autre. "
Musées : la politique des quotas ? La Tribune de l’Art, 18 Avril 2013
FRANCE – "Constitue une discrimination toute distinction opérée entre les personnes physiques à raison [...] de leur sexe [...] . Le code pénal est clair et nos responsables politiques feraient bien de se le rappeler. On ne doit choisir quelqu’un pour un poste qu’en raison de ses compétences. "
Les 25 ans du Musée de la civilisation: Paris et un brin de folie La Presse, 17 avril 2013
QUEBEC – "Le Musée de la civilisation (MCQ) célébrera ses 25 ans en 2013 avec notamment une grande exposition sur Paris à la Belle Époque cet été, sous l'égide de Jeannot Painchaud du cirque Éloize, et une folle soirée d'anniversaire le 19 octobre, où le hall du musée deviendra un grand cabaret artistique. La Ville lumière sera à l'honneur dès le 19 juin, avec une exposition intitulée Paris se met en scène qui s'attarde sur les années 1889-1914, la grande période de la modernité, de la construction de la tour Eiffel, du cinéma, de l'automobile et des music-hall. "
How Museums Are Fostering the Workforce of the Future The Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum gives high school students an inside look at collections, labs and the people who run them Smithsonian.com, 15 April 2013
WASHINGTON, DC – "More than 20 years ago, researchers began the 13-year-long process of working with hundreds of sequencing machines to map the entire human genome. Today, the same amount of data can be produced in a matter of a few days to a few weeks, and at a fraction of the cost. “Smart people like you guys will work on it,” says Maggie Halloran, a sequencing technician, standing before a group of wide-eyed high school freshmen at the National Museum of Natural History’s brand-new Laboratories of Analytical Biology (LAB), a molecular biotechnology hub."
Mary Rose Museum by Wilkinson Eyre and Pringle Brandon Perkins+Will Dezeen, 30 Mai 2013
PORTSMOUTH, UK – "A museum housing sixteenth century Tudor warship the Mary Rose opens today in an elliptical timber-clad building designed by London office Wilkinson Eyre Architects (+ slideshow). "
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art expansion breaks ground Dezeen, 29 Mai 2013
SAN FRANCISCO – "Construction has started on a major extension to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), designed by Snøhetta to double the gallery's exhibition and education space. "
La Cité des sciences de La Villette se dote d’un pôle de loisirs et de commerces Le Moniteur, 23 Mai 2013
PARIS – "A l’automne 2014, la quatrième travée de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, à Paris La Villette, accueillera Vill’up, un pôle de loisirs et de commerces de 24 000 m2. Développé par Apsys, ce projet signé par l’agence SCAU et Alain Farel, représente un investissement de 110 millions d’euros. "
Museum for Architectural Drawing by SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Dezeen, 22 Mai 2013
BERLIN – "Architectural sketches and motifs are etched across the concrete walls of the Museum for Architectural Drawing in Berlin by Russian architecture collective SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov. "
OMA-designed Bryghusprojektet breaks ground on Copenhagen waterfront World Architectural News, 20 May 2013
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – "OMA have begun construction on a new mixed-use scheme on Copenhagen waterfront entitled Bryghusprojektet. The volume will house the headquarters for the Danish Architecture Centre and create a missing link between the city centre, the waterfront and the culturally rich Slotsholmen district. The project is due to complete in early 2017."
DHUBMuseu del Disseny de Barcelona by MBM Arquitectes Dezeen, 18 Mai 2013
BARCELONE, ESPAGNE – "Barcelona's new design museum is an angular metal-clad structure designed by local studio MBM Arquitectes (+ slideshow). "
50 millions d’euros pour l’extension du Musée juif de Francfort Le Journal des Arts, 15 Mai 2013
FRANCFORT, ALLEMAGNE – "Le Musée juif de Francfort compte doubler sa superficie d’ici 2017. Coût de l’opération : près de 50 millions d’euros. "
Xixi Artist Clubhouse by AZL Architects Dezeen, 15 Mai 2013
HANGZHOU, CHINE – "Each building is designed to house artists- and designers-in-residence and contains a mixture of studios and living quarters within a Y-shaped central plan and two Y-shaped arms. "
Monaco veut s'agrandir de 6 hectares sur la mer... et lance un appel à candidatures Le Monde, 6 Mai 2013
MONACO – "La principauté de Monaco a officiellement lancé un appel à candidatures pour son projet d'extension territoriale de 6 hectares gagnés sur la mer, dont la première étape sera la construction d'une immense "dalle" sous-marine d'un coût d'un milliard d'euros, a détaillé, lundi 6 mai, le gouvernement monégasque. "
David Adjaye, Fashid Moussavi and Hanif Kara speak at Aga Khan Award briefing World Architectural News, 3 May 2013
LISBON, PORTUGAL – "Earlier this week we posted the 20 exemplary projects that have been selected for the 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture Shortlist. At an official ceremony at St. George's Castle in Lisbon in September 2013, 5 or 6 of these breathtaking schemes will be chosen to share a prize fund of $1m in recognition of the impact they have had on the quality of life of their users."
Diamond Schmitt Architects-designed Mariinsky Theatre II opens Friday, 2 May World Architecture News, 30 April 2013
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA – "When it opens this week, the Mariinsky Theatre II, which joins two other arts buildings that make up the famed Russian arts complex in St. Petersburg, will be one the largest opera houses in the world. It had a difficult start, as the powers that be at the Mariinsky went through two designers before settling on Canadian architect Diamond Schmitt Architects whose design, while liked by some and criticised by others as being a bit tame, ended up being a palatable choice for the locals; a building that blends both traditional and contemporary architectural ideas with a traditional horseshoe shaped hall set within a modern limestone and glass structure."
Prix international André Le Nôtre Le Moniteur, 24 Avril 2013
FRANCE – "Pour la première fois en France, un Prix sera décerné à un paysagiste concepteur pour l’ensemble de son œuvre. "
Zaha Hadid crowned Veuve Clicquot businesswoman of the year Dezeen, 23 Avril 2013
LONDRES – "Judges from champagne house Veuve Clicquot, which was helmed by Madame Clicquot in the early 19th century, commended Hadid's "great zeal as a businesswoman" and her success in growing her firm, Zaha Hadid Architects, in a male-dominated industry. "
Natural inspiration for ADD Inc. Tree of Life artwork by Gustav Klimt inspires Massachusetts College of Art and Design World Architecture News, 23 April 2013
BOSTON, MA – "A $52m residence hall that personifies the Massachusetts College of Art and Design has completed in Boston. Designed by architecture firm ADD Inc, the tower doubles the college’s housing capacity and provides an innovative environment where 493 students can live, study and play at affordable, state college rental rates. Designers drew on the best ideas from junior and senior staff members to harmonise the goals and aspirations of college professors, administrators, students, trustees, alumni and the building’s owner, the Massachusetts State College Building Authority (MSCBA)."
BIG to design leisure district on Paris outskirts Dezeen, 18 Avril 2013
PARIS – "Danish firm BIG has been selected to design an 80-hectare shopping and leisure complex with a park on its roof to serve a business district between two Paris airports."
MAD architects: china wood sculpture museum is complete designboom, 11 April 2013
CHINA – "In the ever-growing city of harbin, china, MAD architects has unveiled the completed 'china wood sculpture museum.' The 200 meter-long twisting structure is informed by the gnarled burls of wood albeit expressed architectonically with a skin of polished steel plates. an abstraction of nature is at the conceptual center of the building which serves to house local wood sculptures as well as paintings depicting the snow-laden and icy landscape. The tedium of the urban grid is ruptured with the sinuous, light-reflecting form while skylights split the surface of the architecture so as to wash the interiors with light from the low-hanging northern chinese sun. The 13,000 square foot building references the local landscape while confronting the standardized, densely populated residential complexes."
Avec « Capture the Museum », le National Museum of Scotland se transforme en terrain de jeu Club Innovation& Culture France, 28 Mai 2013
EDINBOURG, ECOSSE – "Un trivial pursuit grandeur nature, avec pour terrain de jeu le musée, c’est à présent possible au National Museum of Scotland. Les agences Thought Den et Splash & Ripple ont donné un nouveau souffle au musée en proposant à ses publics jeunes de redécouvrir ses collections de manière ludique grâce à Capture the Museum. "
Cuture et Communication, 16 Mai 2013
MONDE – "Depuis plus de 10 ans, les musées suivent avec intérêt le potentiel des nouvelles technologies 3D. La disponibilité relativement récente des technologies d’impression et de balayage en 3D a suscité de nouveaux débats. Les délégués participant à la conférence annuelle du National Council on Public History à Ottawa ont été conviés à une séance de présentation de ces technologies, animée par l’Université Western et parrainée par l’Ontario Augmented Reality Network (OARN). "
Club Innovation& Culture France, 16 Mai 2013
EDINBOURG, ECOSSE – "La nouvelle application gratuite des National Galleries of Scotland s’appelle ArtHunter. Elle permet aux utilisateurs de localiser les oeuvres, d’établir des relations entre celles-ci et de mieux comprendre la collection grace à de nombreux contenus additionnels. "
L’Académie des Sciences et Universcience s’associent à My Major Company pour financer leurs projets Club Innovation & Culture France, 15 Mai 2013
FRANCE – "Plateforme incontournable de financement participatif de projets musicaux, My Major Company a étendu cette activité à la sphère culturelle. Forte du succès des opérations menées avec le CMN, la plateforme soutient actuellement 15 nouveaux projets patrimoniaux et artistiques. Parmi les diverses propositions de financement, deux projets sont portés par des institutions scientifiques qui ont décidé d’impliquer leur public dans de nouvelles expériences de médiation réelle ou virtuelle. "
Le dispositif NFC est-il un outil de médiation pertinent ? L’exemple Dynamo Culture et Communication, 13 Mai 2013
PARIS – "Organisée par la Réunion des musées nationaux, cette exposition a vocation à présenter l’art cinétique à travers ses œuvres les plus emblématiques (170 artistes sur 4000m² tout de même). Un des partenaires de l’exposition, Orange, a développé avec la RMN un dispositif de médiation et collaboration d’un nouveau genre pour une exposition de ce type et de cette taille en France. "
Club Innovation & Culture France, 8 Mai 2013
VIENNE – "En mariant art et électronique, le musée Albertina de Vienne, Samsung Electronics et la société NOUS Knowledge ont décidé de transformer la médiation culturelle. "
Nouvelles applications mobiles dans le Monde Club Innovation & Culture France, 7 Mai 2013
MONDE – "Panorama des applications mobiles lancées récemment par des musées et des institutions culturelles dans le Monde. "
Etude du Victoria & Albert Museum : visiteurs et smartphones, équipements et usages Club Innovation Culture France,30 Avril 2013
LONDRES – "Au cours des dernières années, le V&A a identifié le potentiel des technologies mobiles dans le Musée. En octobre 2012, il a décidé de conduire une étude qualitative avec la société Fusion/Frankly Green and Webb pour mieux comprendre l’équipement de ses visiteurs en smartphone, et surtout leurs comportements et attentes en matière de médiation mobile. "
Le Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) réinvente l’expérience muséale Culture et Communication, 29 Avril 2013
AUSTRALIE – "Lorsque le Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) en Australie a ouvert ses portes en 2011, l’objectif était de réinventer l’expérience muséale traditionnelle. L’établissement privé était dans une situation unique; il avait la capacité d’intégrer la technologie à toutes les étapes du projet. "
Les Echos, 26 Avril 2013
PARIS – " « Et vous avez un yacht ? « Oui un petit » répond-il en souriant « mais pas de club de foot ». Dimanche dernier rendez-vous avec un oligarque russe, Andreï Filatov, amateur d’art qui co-finance pour le Louvre, comme il l’explique, le développement d’un fonds d’art russe. "
"Everybody could have their body scanned and order clothes that fit perfectly" Dezeen, 24 Avril 2013
PARIS – "Fashion designer and 3D printing pioneer Iris van Herpen tells us how printing and scanning technologies could transform the fashion industry in an exclusive interview for our print-on-demand publication Print Shift (+ transcript). "
#musesocial: What’s the point of social media for museums? Engaging museums, 24 Avril 2013
MONDE – "Before we can measure social media success, we must first be able to answer the question: Why is social media important for museums and what are we hoping to achieve? On April 23, 2013, the museum technology community gathered for a #musesocial chat to discuss connecting our social media efforts to broader strategies and goals. "
Best of the Web Awards 2013: Rijksmuseum sort grand gagnant Club Innovation Culture France, 22 Avril 2013
AMSTERDAM – "Chaque année, la conférence « Museums and the Web » se conclu par la remise de ses récompenses « Best of the Web awards ». Le 20 avril, ont été révélés les gagnants 2013. Parmi eux, le Rijksmuseum qui emporte le grand prix et le prix du public. Aucun musée français n’a été récompensé. "
Culture et Communication, 22 Avril 2013
PARIS – "Si vous êtes un museogeek ou un familier des rencontres Muzeonum, vous avez déjà dû croiser Nathalie Paquet, la fondatrice de l’agence Urban Expé. "
Les musées invitent les utilisateurs d’Instagram à participer aux expositions Culture et Communication, 18 Avril 2013
NEW-YORK – "Un article publié par le Columbus Dispatch indique que l’ exposition a eu lieu l’automne dernier et qu’elle s’inspirait d’événements de tous les jours des années 1930 et 1940, saisis par la Photo League de New York. Ces artistes ont été parmi les premiers à utiliser la photographie de façon artistique pour exprimer des positions sociales et politiques. "
Local museum commissions Algonquin tech Ottawa Business Journal, 12 April 2013
OTTAWA, ON – "A team of Algonquin College students and faculty are developing technology for a national museum to display an ever-expanding amount of archival documentation not currently visible to the public. The Canada Science and Technology Museum receives roughly 5,000 images and drawings per month, and approached Algonquin to develop a method to broadcast some of that content pertaining to its most popular exhibit, The Locomotive Hall. Using touchscreen technology, student researcher Ihab Ali helped develop software allowing museum visitors to navigate photo galleries as well as see 360-degree views and specifications of old-fashioned locomotives."
From Tate to the Louvre, the world's best museums and galleries online Many gallery websites now offer a rich, behind-the-scenes look at their vast collections. Here, we take a virtual tour of the most (and least) innovative museums The Guardian, 9 April 2013
UK – "Tate, UK. Tate galleries were among the first to recognise the value of the internet – both for engaging with visitors, and for offering multimedia exhibition guides. Their clear, easy-to-use website includes a wide range of blogs; a dedicated Tate Channel of artist video interviews and short films; and no fewer than 16 apps. These are mostly free, and range from the educational, such as the Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms, to the just-for-fun: the Muybridgizer allows you to create an Eadweard Muybridge-style animation using your iPhone camera. Most apps are only available for iPad and iPhone, but Tate is slowly developing availability for Android: I downloaded their guide to the current Roy Lichtenstein show at Tate Modern to my Samsung smartphone, and flicked through a selection of his paintings and scrapbooks from my desk. Brilliant. 10/10"
Art and Culture
Angela Merkel : diplomatie et culture Le Journal des Arts, 29 Mai 2013
PARIS – "À l’occasion d’un séjour parisien destiné à discuter croissance et compétitivité en vue du prochain sommet de l’Union européenne, la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel visitera l’exposition « De l’Allemagne » du Louvre en compagnie de François Hollande. Les cas Ai Weiwei et Nils Jennrich devaient par ailleurs être évoqués lors de la visite du Premier ministre chinois en Allemagne. "
The New York Times, May 28, 2013
AMSTERDAM, — Many museums post their collections online, but the Rijksmuseum here has taken the unusual step of offering downloads of high-resolution images at no cost, encouraging the public to copy and transform its artworks into stationery, T-shirts, tattoos, plates or even toilet paper.
Huge cache of Canadian history hits U.K. auction block, tests Library and Archives Canada.com, 25 May 2013
UK – "A huge cache of Canadian history, stored for 200 years in three wooden chests held at a British estate, is set to be auctioned next month in London — a possible test of whether the controversy-plagued, funding-challenged Library and Archives Canada is still in the business of acquiring newly available treasures of documentary heritage. An extensive and important collection of letters, maps and other original artifacts left to posterity by Sir John Coape Sherbrooke — the Nova Scotia governor who conquered Maine during the War of 1812 and later served as Canada’s governor general — is to be sold on June 19 as the showcase lot in a major Bonhams auction of rare books and manuscripts."
Perspectives de l’industrie culturelle au Maroc Le soir, 24 Mai 2013
MAROC – "Rencontré dans le cadre des Mercredi de Racines, Mohamed Amine Sbihi, Ministre de la Culture dans le gouvernement de Benkirane et membre du Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme (PPS), nous parle de la problématique de la culture au Maroc et des défis de son industrialisation. "
Le parlement européen veut préserver l’exception culturelle Culture communication, 23 Mai 2013
EUROPE – "Le parlement européen a adopté le 23 mai une résolution sur le projet d’accord de libre-échange avec les Etats-Unis, qui demande l’exclusion des services audiovisuels et la préservation de l’exception culturelle. "
U.K. believes in the economic power of arts startups The Globe and Mail, 23 May 2013
UK – "Ten years ago, urban theorist Richard Florida popularized the idea that creative people are linked to economic growth in his book The Rise of the Creative Class. As his theory goes, cities with high concentrations of creatives – designers, musicians, tech workers, artists, and so on – tend to experience higher levels of economic development. But it’s not necessarily the creatives themselves who drive growth, per se; to those who accept Dr. Florida’s ideas (and he has had considerable influence on some city planners), the creative class is seen as having an indirect impact by fostering an exciting, dynamic and open culture that lends itself to innovation. "
Vatican brings Genesis interpretation to Venice Biennale in return to arts patronage tradition The Record.com, 17 May 2013
VATICAN CITY – "The Vatican is getting back into its centuries-old tradition of arts patronage with its first-ever exhibit at the Venice Biennale, commissioning a biblically inspired show about creation, destruction and renewal for one of the world’s most prestigious contemporary arts festivals. The Holy See on Tuesday unveiled details of its Venice pavilion, which marks the Vatican’s most significant step yet in a renewed effort to engage contemporary artists and intellectuals in ways that once created masterpieces such as the Sistine Chapel, rather than inadvertently inspiring blasphemous art like Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ."
Record historique pour les ventes d’art contemporain de New York Le Journal des Arts, 16 Mai 2013
NEW-YORK – "Un bilan stupéfiant, des estimations pulvérisées, une pluie de records. A elles deux, Christie’s et Sotheby’s totalisent 788 millions de dollars frais compris pour leur vente d’art contemporain, un résultat jamais atteint. "
Exception culturelle: la France n’est pas seule! Culturecommunication.gouv, 14 Mai 2013
EUROPE – "Treize ministres de la Culture européens ont cosigné avec Aurélie Filippetti une lettre pour demander que le secteur audiovisuel soit exclu des négociations sur l'accord de libre-échange entre les Etats-Unis et l'Union Européenne. "
US to return more smuggled dinosaurs to Mongolia BBC News, 11 May 2013
MONGOLIA – "The US is to return more than a dozen illegally smuggled dinosaur skeletons to Mongolia. The announcement follows the handing over to Mongolian officials on Monday of a 70-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus bataar at a ceremony in New York. The latest group includes two more Tyrannosaurus bataars, six Oviraptors and several Gallimimuses."
Craft as a creative industry: what doesn't get counted, doesn't count DCMS proposals to remove crafts as a category within the creative industries are shortsighted, campaigners argue The Guardian, 7 May 2013
UK – "The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) issued its paper for consultation on classifying and measuring the creative industries in April. This new paper proposes the removal of 'crafts' as a recognised category within the creative industries. This is of great concern to us and the thousands of makers and organisations across the UK who contribute to one of the most vibrant craft sectors in the world."
Optimiser la relation entre économie et culture Les Echos, 2 Mai 2013
FRANCE – "LE CERCLE. L’appréciation portant sur les relations entre économie et culture varie du scepticisme infondé (lorsque la culture est perçue uniquement comme une dépense improductive) à l’exagération manifeste (lorsque la culture est vue comme le facteur décisif permettant à notre pays de sortir de la crise). "
EN IMAGES. Les 20 personnalités incontournables du monde de l'art L’Express, 1 Mai 2013
AJF36: “Layers” by Charly Palmer Is Signature Artwork For Atlanta Jazz Festival The Atlanta Jazz Festival is celebrating 36 years this year. Each year, a different music-themed painting is chosen for the posters of the Atlanta Jazz Festival, many painted with the festival in mind. Some are quite beautiful. Many people collect them year after year. atlantafestivals.com, April 2013
Atlanta, GA – " “We are delighted to have the beautiful, vibrant work of Charly Palmer as the signature art for the 36th Annual Atlanta Jazz Festival,” states Camille Russell Love, Director of the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs. “We chose ‘Layers’ because of its kinetic feel. The musicians appear to be playing so intensely and to be so deeply immersed in the moment, that you can almost hear the music. And we loved the richness of the color palette. "
«Fadae Ennas» ou l’art en direct Le Matin, Maroc, 30 Avril 2013
MARRAKECH, MAROC – "Après une absence de plus de 8 ans, l’événement «Fadae Ennas» retrouve ses couleurs à Marrakech pour sa quatrième édition qui se tiendra les 26, 27 et 28 avril prochains sur la mythique place Jamaa El Fna. "
Réouverture des appartements des Filles de France à Versailles Le Journal des Arts, 26 Avril 2013
VERSAILLES, FRANCE – "Les appartements de Mesdames Adelaïde et Victoire, filles de Louis XV, viennent de rouvrir leurs portes au public au château Versailles après avoir été remeublés et redécorés. "
La France restitue des trésors à la Chine e Figaro, 26 Avril 2013
BEIJING – "Lors de la visite de François Hollande en Chine, François-Henri Pinault, président du groupe PPR, a annoncé la restitution des deux bronzes chinois de la collection Bergé - Saint Laurent, provenant du sac du Palais d'été. "
Marseille-Provence 2013 : une saison 2 capitale pour l'avenir Télérama, 26 Avril 2013
MARSEILLE, FRANCE – "MP2013 s'apprête à entrer dans une “saison 2” : celle des spectacles en plein air, inaugurations de prestige, et expositions d’envergure. En attendant, c’est l’heure d’un premier bilan, en demi-teinte. "
Museums to be represented on ACE council National council members to be streamlined Museums Journal, 23 April 2013
UK – "Arts Council England (ACE) has announced that museums will be better represented on its national council under changes to be implemented in July. There are currently 17 members on ACE's national council, which acts as a non-executive board, but these will be cut to 14 under a new structure that follows an independent review by David Norgrove. "
Elaborer le plan marketing d’un équipement ou d’un événement culturel Option culture, 20 Avril 2013
FRANCE – "Les institutions culturelles doivent tenir compte d’un environnement changeant et de contraintes croissantes. Les exigences de performance s’accroissent. Dans ce contexte, comment maintenir la prééminence du projet culturel et artistique ? "
Régine Hatchondo, nouvelle directrice des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris Le Journal des Arts, 15 Avril 2013
PARIS – "La directrice d’Unifrance Régine Hatchondo devient directrice des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris. "
Show me the Manet: Would you pay to see art in the cinema? BBC News, 8 April 2013
UK – "At your local cinema this weekend you might enjoy a night at New York's Metropolitan Opera or the dancing troupes of the Bolshoi Ballet, but would you pay money to watch an art exhibition on the big screen? A new film, Manet: Portraying Life, hopes to start a trend and tempt audiences from the galleries into the auditoriums. "The last thing we want is for people to consider this as an alternative," says director Phil Grabsky, whose production gives a behind-the-scenes tour of the Royal Academy of Art's latest sell-out show. "But most of our audience don't have the opportunity to get to London or get a ticket." "
Creative Economies, Creative Cities, Innovation and Urban Planning, Cultural Tourism
Les musées et institutions culturelles anglosaxonnes veulent favoriser les donations par mobile Club Innovation & Culture France, 24 Mai 2013
ROYAUME-UNI – "Proposer aux visiteurs de devenir donateur grâce à un simple texto, c’est une nouvelle idée de crowdfunding innovante lancée par plusieurs institutions culturelles dans le monde. De l’initiative locale (comme au Everson Museum of Art aux Etats-Unis), au projet national du Royaume-Uni, le concept séduit par son caractère instantané et direct. De quoi permettre des démarches de don simplifiées pour les utilisateurs et renforcer la relation entre l’institution et son public."
"In the future we might print not only buildings, but entire urban sections" Dezeen, 21 Mai 2013
MONDE – "Forward-thinking designers are using 3D printing to blow architecture wide open, as Dezeen's editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs reports in this extract from Print Shift, our one-off publication dedicated to the developing technology. "
Un parcours urbain pour découvrir Nantes, la capitale verte de l’Europe Le Moniteur, 16 Mai 2013
NANTES, FRANCE – "A partir du 28 juin, une ligne verte de 15 km dessinée sur le sol matérialisera un parcours urbain d’une quinzaine d’étapes reliant les principaux lieux du patrimoine nantais où artistes et architectes sont invités à laisser leur trace. "
Culture key to sustainable development Chinadaily.com.cn, 16 May 2013
CHINA – "Culture plays an essential role in the sustainable development of the global economy, Irina Bokova, director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, said on Wednesday at an international conference themed "Culture: key to sustainable development" in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. "There is no once and for all development mode. In the past two decades, we have seen many well-intended development programs. They failed because they failed to take cultural elements into consideration," she said, adding that culture is the best assessment for extensive and sustainable development."
Proposed 'culture tax' in France would affect smartphones, tablets Los Angeles Times, 15 May 2013
FRANCE – "Here's a proposal that would have a hard time finding support in the United States. A new government study in France suggests levying a new tax as high as 1% on the sale of smartphones, tablets and other Internet devices, with the funds going toward funding cultural initiatives. The proposal was submitted Monday to President Francois Hollande as part of a larger report on digital culture. The report was created by a team led by Pierre Lescure, a journalist and former executive at Canal Plus."
Why cultural tourism is not a quick fix Partnerships are key, says Helen Palmer, but cultural tourism depends on brutal honesty about your offering, not democracy The Guardian, 15 April 2013
UK – "Cultural tourism has been a concept I've applied for years, whether launching an international arts festival or working with cultural consortia and destination management organisations. But it's only in the last couple of years that there's been an awareness in the wider cultural sector of just how valuable cultural tourism is – an awareness underlined recently via the newly-signed memorandum of understanding between Arts Council England and Visit England. This burgeoning interest in cultural tourism and the recognition of its potential to generate profile, new visitors and economic impact can only be a good thing. But I'd offer a few words of advice: cultural tourism is not and can never be a quick fix. It's not simply a new style of marketing, nor is it a case of saying the same thing but in a different way."
Bandar Malaysia Masterplan unveiled Broadway Malyan’s winning masterplan for 1MDB set to transform Kuala Lumpur World Architecture News, 26 April 2013
MALAYSIA – "1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has appointed a global team to partner with local planners to create a game-changing masterplan for Bandar Malaysia, Malaysia. The team is led by global architecture, urbanism and design practice Broadway Malyan, supported by world-class design and engineering teams from Arup and Sinclair Knight Merz, in collaboration with local planner Arah Rancang Malaysia. The winning team was selected from a total of six finalists based on concept proposals which perfectly captures the essence of 1MDB’s vision and commitment for a mixed-use development that will help transform Kuala Lumpur into one of the world’s best global cities."
Chaumont : laboratoire et vitrine des jardins Connaissance des Arts, 24 Avril 2013
CHAUMONT, FRANCE – "Fort de son image de défricheur, de « shaker » mêlant environnement, art contemporain et idées à repiquer chez soi, le Festival des jardins de Chaumont aligne en 2013 vingt-deux propositions sur un thème plutôt convenu : les jardins de sensations. "
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