Project Experience

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (AGNS) required the services of professional art gallery facilities planners/designers to conduct an assessment of the suitability of the present AGNS buildings as a site for an expanded Art Gallery in comparison with alternative buildings and sites. The team of Lord Cultural Resources of Toronto, in collaboration with A. L. Arbic Consulting of Halifax, was selected as the successful bidder.
Our role included to develop a program of current and future space requirements for the AGNS; assess functional and technical suitability of the current buildings; assess capacity of the buildings to accommodate the proposed space program; and compare three alternative facilities/sites in Halifax. Over the course of this study process, our team took part in meetings/consultations, site tours, and undertook quantitative analysis of the AGNS collection. We also developed public program and staff projections for the design year. All this was included in a recommended zoned space list. We then develop site criteria, followed by a weighted site evaluation and finally evaluate the options leading to the recommendation of a preferred option. It was our teams' conclusion that the most desirable option for the AGNS would be to construct a new purpose-built Gallery within the Halifax Business District.
In 2011, Lord Cultural Resources was contracted to provide a Feasibility Study for a new building and site in association with A.L Arbic Consultants, WHW Architects and RBR Development Associates.