Project Experience

Centre Culturel et Touristique du Vin
Since 1995, the City of Bordeaux has been planning to develop a visitor centre dedicated to wine. With strong support from local government and the public, the Wine Cultural and Visitor Center (CCTV) is to become a major draw-card for tourism in the region, aiming to boost local economic development, strengthen the identity of the region and maximize on its heritage and its cultural resources. A key aspect of the project is its commitment to environmental sustainability.
Lordculture, the European office of Lord Cultural Resources, was commissioned to assist the City of Bordeaux in developing all aspects of the project- from preparing the detailed technical specifications for the building to planning the exhibitions and programs and planning the operations. Lord was asked to review the strategic positioning of the Center, and develop detailed facility, interpretive and business plans. Our team also helped the City organize an architectural competition and advised the project team during the construction period.
The Center opened on May 29th, 2016.