Project Experience

Forward+50 United Nations Environment Program
Forward+50, is an engaging and thought-provoking multi-player collaborative game that aims to mobilize players and raise awareness about climate change. The game “event” is played in real-time on-line and at on-site game stations. Players respond to a series of live challenges on-line and via social media, and see the immediate impact of their collective choices, as they try to improve the sustainable future of their cities.
Lord Cultural Resources developed the innovative game format with the United Nations Environment Program supported by AXA insurance. The project was launched during the Rio +20 Earth Summit conference, at the end of June 2012. Conference goers as well as Rio citizens were invited to take part in imagining a Rio of the future on-line and at game stations at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil and the French pavilion. As crucial negotiations were taking place at the conference, virtual negotiations were held online among Rio residents, conference goers and other participants - engaging all to become major players in the climate challenge.
Lord Cultural Resources conceived and developed the game, and continued to act as project managers as the game traveled to cities, festivals and events worldwide.