Project Experience

Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) Travelling Exhibition
The development of quantum information science and technology is one of the most ground-breaking technologies to become a reality in the 21st century. The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo is among the world’s leading institutions working to develop this technology into the unbound computing capabilities quantum technologies possess.
To mark Canada’s 150th birthday, five of the country’s top science organizations will join together in a year-long, nationwide celebration of Canada’s innovative past, and exciting future, called Innovation 150. As an integral part of the celebration, the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing engaged Lord Cultural Resources, ASTOUND Group and NGX Interactive to develop, design and build a travelling exhibition that will cross the country.
The exhibition conveys to audiences across the country, through dynamic interactives and engaging content, how quantum information science and technology is here today and will revolutionize tomorrow. The exhibition includes a number of exciting wow experiences that challenge visitor’s understanding of the world around them, while also conveying key topics including Quantum Superposition, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Computing and Cryptography through hands-on and minds on experiences. Our role included visitor experience planning, content development, design and graphic design as well as fabrication and installation.
The exhibition opened to great aclaim at Kitchener’s THE MUSEUM in October 2016.