Project Experience

Museo Nacional de Energía y Tecnología (MUNET)
Museo Nacional de Energia y Tecnologia (MUNET) will be the largest museum in the world dedicated to energy. An initiative of Mexico’s major energy company, PEMEX, and the government agency, CFE, the goal of MUNET will be to raise public awareness of the importance of energy in our daily lives and showcase the technological and environmental innovation and challenges the sector is facing today. MUNET will be a visitor- focused centre for education and outreach creating an open dialogue about the world of energy.
Lord Cultural Resources was commissioned in 2014 to first work with the project architect Enrique Norten to develop space planning and functional programming for the Museum. Facility planning will continue as the architectural plans develop. Lord will work closely with the client team, project architects and exhibit design team to develop the five-year business plan including all revenue and expense projections; human resources planning including staffing requirements and training; educational program planning; partnership development; and creating the policies and procedures that will guide the operations of the Museum.
MUNET is scheduled to open to the public in 2018.