Project Experience

Virtual Museum of Canada
Launched by the Department of Canadian Heritage in 2001, the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) was designed as a major collaborative online initiative to enable Canadian museums and heritage organizations to connect with online visitors. Through investment programs, the VMC supports applicants in developing online exhibits, interactive resources, and other educational tools. The VMC’s website,, hosts more than 500 virtual exhibits, 150 interactive resources, and 365 learning resources.
In 2014, the VMC was transferred to the Canadian Museum of History. At this point, the VMC launched a strategic re-visioning in order to determine the VMC’s current and potential value for key stakeholders. Lord Cultural Resources was selected to audit, analyze, and plan research that will assist the museum in transforming the VMC into an evidence-based digital experience.
In Phase 1 of the project, Lord developed an Environmental Scan highlighting digital trends, best practices, and audience expectations relevant to the VMC. Lord also completed a Research Plan designed to guide the VMC’s research on its current and potential users, existing content, vision and mission, and other topics important to its re-visioning. In 2016 Lord conducted an analysis of the VMC’s research and proposed recommendations for its next steps.