Project Experience

Foundling Museum
In 1998 the Thomas Coram Foundation (now Coram Family) commissioned Lord Cultural Resources to prepare an Options Appraisal and Business Plan for the development of their existing building on Brunswick Square in Central London as a museum of the original eighteenth century Foundling Hospital. Our Business Plan formed part of the Foundation’s successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund, resulting in development funding and approval of the full £2.2m scheme.
In 2000, the Museum commissioned Lord Cultural Resources to conduct a Market Update of the original Business Plan in support of an additional funding application. Our firm was then invited by the Museum’s exhibition designers, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, to provide some detailed historical research for the development of the permanent exhibition. This research has successfully contributed to a refined concept and interpretative approach for the exhibition.
In 2003, the Museum asked us to conduct a review of the marketplace as the Museum building prepared for opening in 2004. The Museum successfully opened and has been acclaimed as one of the most attractive smaller museums in London.